Ethics and Compliance

Ethics and Compliance

Atkore is committed to ethical business practices and operating in accordance with the highest ethical standards. All of our activities are guided by our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics and our Guide to Ethical Conduct, and we seek to comply with all applicable domestic and international laws.

Our Whistleblower and Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption policies outline the requirements of all Atkore employees, part-time employees, contractors, executives, and our Board of Directors. Our Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption Policy explicitly states that political contributions using Company funds, or made on behalf of the Company, are prohibited. Our Supplier Integrity and Sustainability Standards extend these obligations to our suppliers. Additionally in Canada, we publish an annual Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Report to provide transparency of steps taken to prevent the risk of such activity. Oversight of any changes to these policies lies with the Executive Leadership Team.

Each year, Atkore employees are required to read and reaffirm, in writing, their acknowledgement of the obligations outlined in these policies, and several other foundational policies. We also offer Anti-Corruption training for all salaried employees.

Employees may report potential violations or concerns to their manager, their Human Resources business partner, or the Legal Department. All employees can also access our ethics hotline and website, managed by an independent third-party, to confidentially ask questions and report concerns regarding possible inconsistencies with our policies, values, and applicable laws. Information about the hotline is available at every Atkore site, and we promote the hotline across employee communications. Human Resources professionals, the Legal Department, and/or other personnel investigate each hotline inquiry with support from in-house or third-party professionals as needed. Inquiries are shared with management and raised to the Board when appropriate. The Board also receives a report outlining hotline activity each quarter.


Ethics & Compliance