Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance


Atkore continually evaluates our corporate governance practices, guided by our values of Accountability, Teamwork, Integrity, Respect, and Excellence.

Our Board maintains an Audit Committee, a Human Resources & Compensation Committee, a Nominating & Governance Committee, and an Executive Committee. Our Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, Corporate Governance Guidelines, and Board Committee Charters outline our governance approach—including Board and committee responsibilities and our process for addressing conflicts of interest. Details regarding our guidelines, policies, and committee charters are available on the Governance page of our website.

The Nominating & Governance Committee maintains oversight of ESG issues and receives updates on ESG progress from management and members of the Executive Team once per quarter. The depth of discussion around ESG topics has increased as our focus has shifted from ESG initiative planning and goal setting to analyzing the results of our efforts. The full Board generally participates in the Nominating & Governance Committee meetings and also continues to receive a report of Atkore's ESG priorities annually.

The Human Resources & Compensation Committee retains oversight of DEI, and the full Board remains responsible for topics such as Cybersecurity and Risk Management. The full Board is briefed on aspects of these topics every quarter.

We aspire for our Board of Directors to reflect the racial, ethnic, and gender diversity of our workforce and surrounding communities and to collectively maintain a skill set that is relevant to our business. Diversity is an important factor when considering new or additional Board members.

The Board of Directors as a whole, each director, and each committee are self-evaluated on an annual basis. Evaluation results are reviewed to determine if action needs to be taken to improve the effectiveness of the Board and our committees.

Board of Directors