Human Rights

Human Rights

Atkore is committed to respecting and promoting human rights and fair labour practices for all of our employees, suppliers, contractors, business partners, and in the communities where we operate. Our Human Rights Policy details our approach to protecting human rights across our global operations, and aligns with our core values, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Labour Organisation’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and the United Nations Global Compact. Beginning in 2023, Atkore commenced biennial Human Trafficking Awareness and Prevention training for all domestic salaried employees.

We require our suppliers and partners to maintain our commitment to human rights and conduct business in alignment with our values. Our Supplier Integrity and Sustainability Standards and our Supplier Business Review Agenda outline our zero-tolerance policy for human rights abuses of any kind.

We encourage our employees to report potential violations or concerns to their manager, Human Resources business partner, or the Legal Department. Additionally, employees and other stakeholders may raise concerns or ask questions directly to our Legal Department via email or anonymously through our Atkore Alert Line, which is extended to members of our supply chain.

Human Rights

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