Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) is integral to Atkore's culture. We believe that a diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace is key to openness and innovation.
Atkore maintains initiatives to embed DEI throughout our organisation. Our DEI roadmap is the foundation of this strategy and enables us to monitor the progress of the specific actions we are undertaking. At the Board level, the Human Resources and Compensation Committee has direct oversight of DEI. Our employee-based DEI Team and our long-standing DEI Steering Committee further support DEI initiatives. Each month, the DEI Team and our Human Resources team review key metrics to ensure we are on track with our goals.
We communicate our commitment to DEI to employees from the start of their engagement with Atkore. Atkore’s “Building Your Team” training teaches methods to mitigate bias in the interview process and requires that panel interviews include at least one diverse candidate and one diverse interviewer. We also include a clause in our recruiting agency agreements that memorialises our shared commitment to sourcing diverse candidates.
Once hired, Atkore employees engage in DEI during the onboarding process and through trainings and other initiatives. Each year, all Atkore employees are required to complete anti-harassment training each year. We continue to engage with employees and measure our progress around DEI through our annual Employee Engagement and Alignment Survey.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Goal
Achieve 30% diversity across the Senior Leadership Team by 2025
2020 Baseline
2023 Progress
2025 Target