Safety and Environment Management System

Safety and Environment Management System

Comprehensive safety and environmental protection practices are a central part of our business operations and underpin our ability to achieve our objectives. Our global safety brand, Let's Make It Home™, places the safety of our people and our workplace at the forefront of everything that we do.

Aligned with ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and 1SO 45001, our Safety and Environment Management System (SEMS) sets performance standards and drives improvement across our operations. The SEMS is further supported through our Occupational Health, Safety, and Environmental Sustainability Policy; and Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) Risk Assessment and Control Standard.

Our EHS Incidence Reporting Standard supports timely reporting and requires appropriate personnel to uncover root causes and implement corrective actions. In the case of a potentially unsafe work situation, employees are encouraged and empowered to utilise stop-work authority and remove themselves from the situation. Together, the SEMS standards and our corporate policies promote health, safety, and environmental sustainability across our facilities, programs, communications, training, emergency preparedness, and incident investigation.

Senior site managers and EHS personnel—including the Director of EHS and supporting regional managers—are responsible for maintaining and enforcing the SEMS. Atkore's Director of EHS lead reports directly to the ABS lead. Every Atkore site is further represented by both a Joint Safety Committee and a Plant Safety Review Board.

EHS data is maintained in our global reporting system and reported to the Executive Leadership Team monthly and to the Board of Directors quarterly. Each site must have processes in place for conducting regular audits and management review of the SEMS and EHS programs.

Internal audits of our EHS programs occur at least every two years and include the following:

  • A record of past audit results;
  • Review of documents and procedures to confirm adherence to current practices;
  • Observations of work practices and interviews with employees to confirm program effectiveness; and
  • Assessment of compliance with legal and company requirements.

Other internal oversights, including a Compliance Assurance Plan audit program and management reviews, are implemented to ensure our management approach remains effective. When appropriate, Atkore partners with third-party consultants to improve our safety and environment knowledge and performance.

Safety and Environment Management System